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Scoreland Review

Summary: Scoreland is mega site full of boob action, with over 100,000 photos, audio & videos and more.

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Scoreland Picture screenshot
Score 80.0 /100
About Our Ratings
Betina, 2001-10-12

Boobs, Mega-Sites


Intro promises

Over 100,000 Photos
Audio & Video
And Much More ..

First impression

The intro is all you need to see to know that this is a paradise of breasts. All I met while taking the free tour was woman after woman with big bosoms. And when I say big, I mean BIG! Lots of pictures just to make you wish you had access to this site.


3 Day Trial Membership: $4.95 (Credit cards only)
Monthly Recurring: $29.95

Alternative payment methods available.

Our opinion

Entering I'm met with a somewhat different layout. The menu of Scoreland's content is big. The site simply contains so much that a thorough menu is required.
When choosing a section, a smaller menu becomes constantly present in the left side of the screen, with a link to each of the major sections.

The menu at the front page has 7 major sections.
The first one is What's New, where you are able to see the latest updates and read the latest news.

Under the section Magazines you find magazine on magazine. Never seen a paysite having this much quality magazines.
The magazines are all published in an actual paper version (that you can subscribe to from the page), but here you get to see all the pictures without having to subscribe. All previous issues of the magazines are available online as well.

Moving on to the next section we have Features. Here you find the pictures. Women showing their hot bodies and big breasts.
You enter and get 15 categories. You just have to choose one, choose a set or name - and then enjoy a woman posing for you... Lots of them are even famous names like Linsey Dawn McKenzie and Lolo Ferrari just to name a few.

The picture quality is really good. Nothing to complain about - except the thumbnails. They tend to be a bit small.
If you find a set you really like, you can download the whole set in one zip file in either 800x600 or 1024x768 resolution.
A special feature is The Big Picture with high-resolution pictures on 1MB or more.

Under the same section you'll find erotic stories, calendars and other nice stuff.

On to the next section - Specials, where you again find different features. More pictures of hot girls. And there is a lot of them. The picture sets are called BraSpecial, The Boob Cruise etc etc...
Here it is also possible to find Screen Savers, interviews and articles.

Next up is the Video Paradise, where you are able to enjoy videos from categories like Scoreland Theatres, Big Boob Channels and some more. All video categories have several sub sections with 8-100+ video clips.
I took a look of some of the videos and I find them really hot. The quality is also great with the possibility of selecting different connection rates and even downloading the videos. You can also find photo sets with the girls from the videos.
If you wish to, you can order the complete videos on VHS from here.

Now - Shopping, which is the next section in the menu. Here you are able to buy a lot of different stuff. You can buy Magazines, videos, special offers and lots more. Just take a look inside the Store and you will almost certainly find something that matches your taste.

The last section in the menu is Contact. Here you can see Job Opportunities - never seen that before. You can find Scoreland news and member services including questions and comments from members.

Scoreland contains so much - you won't believe it. That is what's so great about it - it's different than a lot of other sites, and I certainly like it.


Got to say that it is almost overwhelming - at least to begin with, but after a while you get used to the navigation. There are several ways to get to the same picture.

The content is absolutely great - it's hard to look for something without finding 10 other things to look at first... So in a way it requires some patience from you. But if you got that - this site is worth a visit or ten or hundred :o)

Scoreland is a site with A LOT of pictures. You keep finding some you haven't seen before...
A site for true breast lovers.

Screenshots from Scoreland

External Opinions

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Total average: 89/100 Our score: 80.0/100

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